Turning Your Free Time into Productive Time
Most people wish they had a few extra hours in the day. Maybe you'd like to pursue a hobby, take a class, or even begin a second career. Whatever your dream, it would be nice to find a way to accomplish more after your work and family obligations have been met. Fortunately, there are some easy suggestions from Audi Cary that can help you work toward turning your free time into productive time.
Set specific goals
It’s often easier to complete a task if you start with specific goals. Decide exactly what you would like to accomplish, such as restoring a classic car, writing a novel, or earning an online degree. Once you have your goal in mind, break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. A goal may seem overwhelming at first, but putting it into smaller steps often brings it within reach.
Create to-do lists
Whether you are working toward one specific goal or trying to complete several unrelated tasks, your free time will be more productive if you are organized. To-do lists are a great tool for keeping track of everything you want to accomplish. To help you decide what to do next, add priorities and due dates to each item on your list. Adding an estimated amount of time to complete the task will also make it easier for you to pick out some quick items when you are short on time.
Clock your time
It’s easy to overlook the amount of free time you actually have in a day. One way to perform a self-evaluation is to clock your time during the day. You can use various smartphone apps, a spreadsheet, or just jot down what you are doing in a notebook. When reviewing the results, you may find that you are spending more of your free time than you realize on things like watching TV and surfing the Internet.
Avoid over-scheduling
While turning your free time into productive time is a worthwhile pursuit, you should be careful not to go too far. Some free time during the day is good for relaxing, unwinding and letting your imagination roam. If you try to turn every moment into a productive task, you are likely to wear yourself out and eventually give up. The key is finding a good balance to accomplish your goals and still have some free time to relax.
Establish rewards
Achieving long-term goals, such as restoring your classic car or finishing your novel, are rewards in themselves. However, that takes time and most people need encouragement along the way. Establish some rewards to help you stay motivated. Perhaps you will reward yourself when you hit certain milestones or stay on schedule for a certain amount of time. You can design your plan and rewards in the way that works best for you. Remember that turning free time into productive time will help you ultimately reach your goals, and be proud of what you can accomplish.